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Top Sore Joints Remedies

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The joints in our body act as a support structure to our skeleton, they support the movement, protect our bones and help us to maintain flexibility. As we age, we may find that we suffer more from sore and painful joints; painful joints can severely limit our movement and overall enjoyment of life




Joint issues and chronic conditions (such as Arthritis) that affect our joints are normally caused by inflammation. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The main difference is that Osteoarthritis affects the smooth cartilage at the joint (commonly isolated at a joint) whereas Rheumatoid Arthritis is classed as an auto-immune disease and can affect multiple joints. Both conditions can be extremely debilitating.


Improving Joint Health

You may start noticing that your joints are aching more after a walk or workout, or that you’re not able to bend down to pick things up with ease, or you may just notice more stiffness generally day-to-day- whether at work, rest or play. These may be the initial signs that your joints, as well as overall health, need some attention! 

Although there isn’t a cure for more chronic joint issues, symptoms can be eased remedially somewhat. Here are the 3 top sore joint remedies that you can try!

  • Adding some extra support around a painful or sore joint can help to ease discomfort and provide some added protection. A brace, strap, or wrap can be a short-term measure to soothe sore joint (s). Applying a cold compress to the affected joints a few times a day can also assist to relieve pain and reduce swelling. You may find that a warm bath or shower can also be helpful to relax the body and ease stiffness. The treatment you use may depend on the severity of your symptoms. Always check with your health practitioner if you have a chronic joint condition. 

  • In order to maintain suppleness and flexibility, it is important to remain as active as you can. Perhaps rather than jogging or running, you can aim for a low-impact activity such as walking or swimming. Gentle yoga can also be helpful to maintain strength and suppleness without placing too much pressure on the joints affected. 

  • Rest can also prove helpful for pain, sore or stiff joints. If there are certain activities that actually bring on pain or stiffness, it is best that these are avoided or minimized. It is not a case of “no pain, no gain”! If you feel pain, then you should refrain from the activity, take some rest and seek more guidance if necessary. 


Hopefully, these simple remedies can help you in some way. Obviously, good nutrition and ensuring you protect yourself through eating well are also highly recommended. Supplements and topical treatments can also help to improve joint health, and Joy for Joints has created a range to support you to better health and pain-free movement!

Joy for Joints was born in 2016 in California. Since they have close ties to New Zealand, they wanted to introduce the country’s unique and natural products to the US market where a growing number of people are trying to improve their health and life span. 

Most importantly, they were looking for products that work. The pristine environment combined with an innovative approach to the manufacturing of health products made New Zealand an ideal choice. 

  • New Zealand is a world leader in research on reducing the environmental impact of agriculture. 

  • It has a well-developed and skilled eco-innovation system. 

  • The New Zealand government has enacted the legislation - Resource Management Act in 1991 to enshrine sustainability principles in law. 

  • New Zealand is a small eco-friendly country with very strict regulations in farming, fishing, and protecting its unique marine ecosystem. 



“After months of research, we decided that marine supplements are a perfect fit for our company’s mission – to help people with joint diseases thrive. Green-Lipped Mussel Extract was the first product we brought to the market. Green Lipped Mussel 12 500 with a patented GlycOmega-PLUS™ complex has been thoroughly researched by the University of Queensland and remarkable results were documented”- Joy for Joints


If you are aiming to improve your joint health, look no further than Green-Lipped Mussels Extract with GlycOmega-Plus! 

This supplement offers pain relief from joint issues and chronic conditions such as Arthritis. Arthritis is characterized by painful swelling and stiffness in one or more of your joints, this is a result of chronic inflammation. 




So how can this supplement help? 

Green Lipped Mussels get their name from the noticeable green edges and are also known as the New Zealand mussel. This species is native to New Zealand and contains several anti-inflammatory compounds claimed to treat inflammatory conditions, including arthritis and asthma. 

“As the study proved “GLM GlycOmega PLUS significantly helped reduce joint pain and increased joint mobility in patients and confirmed that patented green-lipped mussel supplement definitely contains significant anti-inflammatory properties.” Observing those beneficial effects of a natural product was very encouraging because natural supplements usually don’t have side effects or addictive properties and can be taken for long periods of time by most people”- Joy for Joints

The green-lipped mussel was the main food of the Māori people in New Zealand for centuries. In the early 1970s, scientists started wondering why Maori rarely have arthritis compared to other New Zealand populations. It was later determined that the mussels were a rich source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA. 


  • Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, green-lipped mussel extract has been claimed to reduce joint inflammation and help relieve arthritis symptoms. 

  • Similarly, green-lipped mussels contain chondroitin sulfate, a component of connective tissues similar to joints and bones that may help reduce inflammation in the same way. 

  • In addition to these anti-inflammatory nutrients, the mussels are an excellent source of zinc, iron, selenium, and several B-vitamins. Some of the patients who happened to suffer from osteoarthritis saw a reduction in pain and stiffness, along with an improvement in mobility.

  • Their powerful anti-inflammatory properties have also been shown to improve gut health, by feeding the ‘friendly bacteria found in our digestive system. Green-lipped mussels also work synergistically with NSAIDs and can decrease the side effects.

  • Possibly though a similar mechanism, green-lipped mussels have been shown to improve symptoms of asthma.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

“To realize the above benefits, an intake of green-lipped mussel extract at a dose of 1000-1500 mg per day appears to be an effective range based on the current evidence. Green-lipped mussels have been shown to be a very safe supplement, as side effects are rarely reported, and when they are, they are - the symptoms are usually mild. They also contain very low levels of heavy metals such as mercury”- Joy for Joints


After the successful launch of their first product, Joy for Joints added many more different health supplements to their line including the best-seller: Energize Oyster Extract


Here’s why Oysters are so beneficial for your joints! 

Oysters are an excellent source of protein, vitamin D, zinc, iron and copper, and also have high levels of Vitamin C, phosphorus, niacin, and riboflavin. They’re also rich in beneficial antioxidants, healthy cholesterol, and omega-3 fatty acids. 

With all these impressive nutrients contained in such small portions, oysters are definitely a superfood, seriously boosting your body’s health and overall functions. With age, men and women alike can become deficient in some of these vitamins and minerals. Oysters are little shells full of nutrients! 



There are a ton of admirable reasons to add an oyster supplement to your daily routine. Most oyster farms have a low impact on the natural environment and are managed to ensure high sustainability. But best of all, oysters are extremely nutritious. Let’s look at some of the many benefits your body can receive.

  • Brain Health: The impressive amount of vitamin B12 makes them a natural choice for keeping your brain healthy. A deficiency in vitamin B12 has been associated with dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin B12 deficiency has also been linked to mental health symptoms including depression and suicidal thoughts. 

  • Weight Loss: Oysters are packed to the brim with nutrients, yet they have one of the lowest calories-to-serving-size ratios of any food out there. 

  • Blood Circulation: With a high potassium and magnesium content, oysters can lower your blood pressure and increase circulation and blood oxygenation. Meanwhile, their iron-rich contents can help formulate red blood cells, boost the body’s metabolic rate, and defend against conditions such as anemia.

  • Bone Strength: Oysters contain a surplus of healthy minerals; they can massively improve the strength of your bones. Calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and selenium all help increase bone durability and protect you from conditions such as osteoporosis.

  • Immunity: Famously found in teas, herbs, and fresh vegetables, antioxidants fight against dangerous free radicals in the body, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and premature aging. Oysters are also rich in antioxidants, not to mention Vitamin C and Vitamin E, all of which go a long way towards strengthening the body’s immune system.

  • Aphrodisiac: Oysters have long been recognized as an aphrodisiac, particularly due to their high zinc content. For men especially, zinc has been shown to improve sexual drive and masculinity.




“Our New Zealand partner is a well-established company with over 60 years in marine farming, research, and supplement manufacturing. They are using cutting-edge equipment and technology while respecting Mother Nature and care for the marine habitat. They always keeping a watchful eye on environmental impact and efficiency while sustainably growing and harvesting some of the best natural ingredients in the world that empower people to live healthier lives”- Joy for Joints

* In partnership with our friends at Joy for Joints.
 * Photos courtesy of Joy for Joints
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

* The information available on ewellnessmag.com, including text, graphics, and other materials are for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in ewellnessmag.com is at the user's own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through ewellnessmag.com is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2021 Brawo Press, Inc. All rights reserved.

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