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For the Love of Tea

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Tea has a wide range of health advantages, and in recent times it has undergone a real makeover as the go-to beverage of our time! There is so much choice; we no longer need to stick with the basic black tea many of us may have grown up with. And that’s a good thing! 

With greater choice comes variety and with variety comes different benefits. For instance, Green tea is extremely popular in the health and wellbeing world, known for its high antioxidant value, potential to improve brain function and increase fat burning ability- it is popular among fitness kings and queens! 

And that is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to teas! Here are a few reasons to give the tea a chance and improve your health and wellbeing- for the love of tea! 

  • Where flavored and specialty coffee drinks (such as that lush caramel latte) can be quite a calorie-dense, tea is more often calorie kind! It can be the ideal switch if you are watching your weight or just want to cut back on the excess caffeine intake. 

  • Refreshment! Coffee and traditional black tea can very often dehydrate you. They are known to have a mild diuretic effect. However, a cup of herbal tea, green tea, or rooibos can be more refreshing and help to invigorate you, or even relax you depending on the type of tea you drink. 

  • Tea is packed full of anti-oxidants. The flavonoids in tea can have a detoxifying effect on the body and help to protect your cells from free radical damage. White tea is the least processed and so for that reason, it is generally thought to have a higher amount of natural anti-oxidant value. 


And there you have it! Three great reasons to move tea higher up on your go-to beverage list! Love Rooibos is obviously tea lovers, and they make it their business to improve your wellbeing and health through tea! 



Love Rooibos was founded by a wife and husband team, Angela and Peter. Love Rooibos is built on the cornerstone of their love for South Africa (where they grew up) as well as their lifestyle focus on health and fitness.  

Being passionate about rhino conservation, Angela also wanted to find a way to make a contribution to this incredible cause and so Love Rooibos was created with the ultimate aim of helping sponsor the rehabilitation of young rhinos back into the wild. 

Rooibos is pronounced “Roy-boss” and is an Afrikaans word meaning “Red Bush”. It is a herbal tea and not related to green or black tea but instead comes for the fermented leaves of the Aspalathus linearis shrub. This plant grows exclusively in the fertile Cederberg mountain range of South Africa. 


“It is naturally caffeine-free and high in antioxidants and has been enjoyed for centuries in South Africa for its smooth taste and the broad spectrum of health and wellbeing benefits. This makes it the perfect cup of tea to be enjoyed by the whole family any time of the day”- Love Rooibos 


Love Rooibos’s mission is to introduce people around the world to the incredible health benefits of Rooibos Tea, whilst contributing to rhino conservation. Two highly worthwhile causes were deserving of a little investment! 

Rooibos tea is a wholly natural product, free of caffeine, additives, preservatives, and colorants and it also provides many added benefits to improve your quality of life. 


Here are some of the potential benefits of Love Rooibos Organic Rooibos Tea! 

  • Rooibos contains antioxidants that fight free radicals (a by-product of normal cell function), which weaken the body’s natural defenses and lead to aging, the declining of the immune system, and the onset of a wide variety of diseases.

  • Rooibos is the only known source of a specifically beneficial and rare antioxidant called aspalathin.

  • Being caffeine-free, Rooibos makes the ideal afternoon or bedtime drink. By reducing caffeine intake later in the day, can help improve your quality of sleep which is essential for overall well-being.

  • Rooibos is ideal for pregnant women, as without any caffeine and full of antioxidants it’s a better choice than coffee or black or green tea. You can also drink it whilst breastfeeding without worrying about the caffeine passing through your bloodstream to your baby.

  • Being low in tannins, Rooibos tea does not inhibit iron absorption from your diet as much as other teas and this can be important, particularly during pregnancy as it could leave you feeling drained.

  • Rooibos has been found to provide relief from insomnia, cramps, constipation, and allergic symptoms which makes it a great substitute for tea or coffee. 

  • There is also increasing research being done into the medicinal benefits of Rooibos with some of the Rooibos research at South Africa’s Medical Research Council focusing on how Rooibos inhibits the development of cancer cells.

  • Rooibos is an excellent thirst quencher and fluid replacement after exercise- you can enjoy it hot or cold.

  • Rooibos is calorie-free and is therefore suitable for any lifestyle or weight loss plan and can be used as a caffeine-free substitute for bulletproof coffee (for those following a Keto lifestyle)

  • Rooibos is highly versatile! It can be savored hot or cold, with or without milk, with a squeeze of lemon or a drop of honey, or just as it is. For best results, it should be steeped for 2-5 minutes or longer.

  • It is a perfect flavor base to blend with other herbal and flavored teas.

  • Strangely so, it is also a natural meat tenderizer which makes it perfect to include in marinades or as a base for soups and stews. Who knew?! 



The Love Rooibos Philosophy! 

The Love Rooibos philosophy to health and wellness is all about finding easy ways to incorporate small healthy habits into your lifestyle. After all, it is the habits that you do consistently and which can comfortably be incorporated into your daily life are that you are more likely to stick to and of course, eventually benefit from! 


In terms of where Love Rooibos Tea can play a role in a healthier way of being, you can try simple, yet highly effective things like:

  • Preparing a cold brew of rooibos tea to take with you for your daily exercise so you not only stay hydrated but also get a boost in antioxidants. 

  • Filling a flask of rooibos and sipping on it throughout the day. This is a great way to cut back on your caffeine fix with something satisfying and good for you! Reducing your caffeine intake throughout the day can also work wonders to improve the quality of your sleep. 

  • Having a cup of rooibos with a squeeze of lemon first thing in the morning when you wake up (rather than regular tea or coffee!). Lemon is great at cleansing toxins from your liver and it’s also packed with Vitamin C to help get you started for the day ahead. 


“Love Rooibos tea is more than just a caffeine-free way to hydrate. It delivers a long list of health benefits in every sip. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and other health properties make a cup of naturally flavorful rooibos tea something you should definitely add to your daily routine. And with every cup you enjoy, you are also giving back by contributing to rhino conservation which plays a critical role in preserving our natural environmental heritage”- Love Rooibos

* In partnership with our friends at Love Rooibos * Photos courtesy of Love Rooibos 
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