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Better Bone Health

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Bone health becomes increasingly important as we age. Throughout our youth, we take advantage of our ability to heal and repair quickly, however, breaking a bone at aged 50 and beyond prompts a longer healing and recovery period as bone density naturally weakens with time. 



There are, of course, many things that we can do to promote good bone health. By looking at health objectively we can become more proactive rather than reactive, and more knowledgeable about what our body may need at different stages of life. 

Generally speaking, here are some of the crucial points that can maintain or improve your bone health and bone density! 

  • Exercise. Exercise, particularly weight-bearing activity such as weights, bodyweight exercises, and running helps to create stronger bones and more supple joints. Focusing on exercises like squats, lunges, and press-ups are great for not only improving your muscle mass but also for your bones. Maintaining mobility as you age is a must for health and wellbeing, any exercise that keeps you moving daily or at least 3-5 times per week is beneficial! 

  • Maintain a healthy weight for your body or body type. Excess weight puts added pressure on your joints and bones. Over time this weakens them and leaves you prone to breaks and fractures from slips and falls- something that can occur more frequently as you age and your balance and coordination are also hindered. 

  • Vitamins D and K. Vitamins D and K are both fat-soluble vitamins. They are the major vitamins that deal with bone density, healing, and repair. A multi-vitamin may not have adequate levels of these vitamins. Always check your supplements to make sure you are getting the recommended daily amounts! 

  • Nutrition. There is no substitute for good nutrition. In terms of bone density, eating a diet that is rich in calcium helps to protect and strengthen your bones. Avoid low-calorie or restrictive diets that can impair your health- even in the short term. Low calorie/restrictive diets may leave your body starving for the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs for good bone health. 


Bone density is a major issue, especially among the 50 plus population. Low bone density or Osteoporosis affects around one in two women and one in four men over the age of 50. That’s a massive number to digest, and for the most part, it is unavoidable through proactive steps as early as possible to preserve your bone health. 

As mentioned earlier, good nutrition is a must! Milk is a great source of calcium, and The Good Goat Milk Company is passionate enough about the white stuff to ensure you have access to the right stuff!

 “We've spent our lives on the clean, green shores of New Zealand. We started in traditional bovine dairy and while we love cows, we recognize that some people can’t tolerate cow’s milk. Since we’re already in the industry, we decided that we wanted to do something about it so we began researching the benefits of goat milk and made some significant discoveries”- The Good Goat Milk Company



Simply put, Goat milk tastes good and it is just as versatile as cow’s milk!

Here’s a little more info on why the Good Goat Milk Company believes in the benefits of Great Goats Milk

Goats require less room and less feed than other animals so farming them can be more environmentally friendly- The Good Goat Company knows that what’s better for your body can be better for the earth too! They embraced the idea (and the challenge!) of producing milk that was sustainable and good for the body! 

They took what was learned from traditional dairy farming and began working with local New Zealand farms to produce goat milk that's nutritious, delicious, gentle on the stomach, and good for the environment. 





“Our delicious goat milk is highly nutritious and has a gentler protein and cream structure than cow's milk, making it easier to digest. Our all-natural powdered goat milk is produced in small batches to ensure freshness and great taste! Mix with your favorite chocolate syrup for an even tastier treat!”- The Good Goat Milk Company


Here’s a brief overview of the benefits and nourishment for your body with The Good Goat Milk Company’s Natural Full Cream Powdered Goat Milk: 


  • It is easier on your stomach and digestive system! Goat’s milk contains smaller fat globules and less alpha s1-casein than cow’s milk, making it easier to digest. It also contains 89% less a1 beta-casein and more a2 beta-casein. This combination is believed to cause less digestive discomfort in some people! 

  • This Goats Milk contains no additives or GMO, it is just as it should be, and hormone, and antibiotic-free. The Good Goat Milk Company does not add anything to their natural goat milk. It has everything it needs to be a healthy beverage already. Sourced from New Zealand and made by goats that have 365-day access to the outdoors and feed on natural pasture plants- it is simply amazing!




As time moves on The Good Goat Milk Company is looking at expanding into Mexico and Canada. They are keen to add some different “kid-friendly” flavors and are also looking at options for deliciously flavored “ready to drink” formats that would allow consumers an “on the go” option. Keep watching this space for more info! 

 The Good Goat Milk Company is home to goat milk powder that's made in small batches on our farms and those of our friends to ensure great taste and superior freshness. No GMOs, no hormones, no antibiotics. For goodness sake, it turns out that our pure air & pristine pastures make New Zealand a good place to raise goats! Goats that make milk that tastes good, is good for your body and good for the earth. So go on, give it a go. We hope you enjoy it!”- The Goat Milk Company 


* In partnership with our friends at The Good Goat Milk Company  Photo courtesy of The Good Goat Milk Company 

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