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Winter Wellness

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Health is a daily endeavor to feel well and look good. Yes, we may have our down days, but it is how we pick ourselves up from them that counts!



As the cold spell sets in, it is important to make an effort to keep on top of your health and fitness routines. In this way, you support and maintain your well being rather than allow it to fall back on your priority list.

Over Winter, perhaps you may not hit any big health and fitness goals you had, but you can certainly maintain, or stay on track with your current plan. Here are some tips for you to maintain your wellness through Winter!

  • Winter season can leave you more prone to cold bugs and flu viruses. Supporting your health is not just what you do in the gym; it is how you take care of yourself throughout the day- at work, at home, and in leisure time. And so, look after your body and your surroundings by keeping things as fresh as you can, both in terms of personal hygiene and hygiene in your surroundings.

  • Wintertime can be very social for many of us. With Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year celebrations to look forward to. This can prompt us to over-indulge in overly rich foods, alcohol, and tempting desserts. Remember that it is OK to treat yourself, but life is about maintaining balance. If you have over-indulged on a particular occasion then aim for some TLC the next day. Eat well, take some exercise, and look after your digestive and immune function to keep yourself well.

  • Just as a car has a service or an oil change to function at its best, apply the same logic to yourself as a person. You cannot function at your best if you are all clogged up with toxins and overrun with not enough time to recoup and repair. This may mean taking some extra time to rest up or overhaul your eating habits to include more vitamins and minerals. Pay particular attention to immune-boosting vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C and Zinc, B Vitamins for improved energy, and probiotics to look after your digestive system.

  • Look after your skin! The cold weather can be quite harsh on the skin. Aim to spend a few extra minutes on your skincare over Winter. A good skincare focus can help to maintain moisture and avoid dry, dull, or chapped skin.




The change in season is always a good time to reflect and readjust your focus to renew. We don’t stop setting healthy living goals in Winter- we just tweak them a little! There are many ways we can make small, significant changes to reap the reward a little further down the line. Look for natural products that work well with your body biology and treat yourself as the individual that you are.

Miracle II believes in natural products for healthier living. Together, Kirk and Sue Tedeton have manufactured and distributed the MIRACLE II brand natural soap products alongside their recognized distributors. Miracle II’s soap and hygiene products are manufactured from a trade-secret, proprietary plant-derived mineral mix. MIRACLE II’s brand contains no animal products and no harmful chemicals; they are sold throughout the United States and in 26 countries worldwide.

Miracle II produces unique products that help to support your health, hygiene, and wellness through winter and beyond.

Miracle II Regular Soap is a signature product by the Tedeton’s. It is a soap, cleanser, a degreaser and a deodorizer. It is an all in one natural solution for personal hygiene and all types of household cleaning.


Get it here now! 



Miracle II Soap cleanses your skin, your hair, and your home (it can also be used for doing the laundry!)

  • It's one of the most amazing products that have ever been presented to mankind.

  • This natural product is produced without the drawbacks and harsh ingredients of ordinary soaps and detergents.

  • Naturally concentrated and decontaminating. You can dilute it to create solutions for light, medium, or heavy cleaning.

Miracle II’s Neutralizer is a miracle for health and wellness! Miracle II Neutralizer 22 Oz (Miracle II) helps to correct your pH balance and detoxify.


Get it here now!



Put simply, Miracle II has an extensive range of naturally based products that are beneficial for you as well as the environment. In addition to their regular soap and neutralizer gel, they also manufacture skin moisturizers and their brand of pH balanced water. X-TREME PH™ SPORTS WATER is the only high alkaline water that achieves its high alkalinity enhanced with the Miracle II plant-derived mixture of calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Miracle II Has a Continuing Commitment to Their Customers

As part of our continuing commitment to provide our customers the best natural soap products, we make every effort to ensure that consumers looking to purchase our Miracle II products are not being sold other products that are falsely labeled and sold as Miracle II products.

We have manufactured the finest, natural soap products in the world, and dealt with the everyday challenges we all face in owning and operating a business, such as economic changes, rising costs of goods and services, government regulation, and increased taxes and fees, to name a few. Through it all, we have been blessed with the privilege of knowing that our products have helped untold thousands enjoy better health and a higher quality of life, and that more people are finding and using our products, thanks to the dedication and hard work of you, our loyal distributors and customers”- Kirk and Sue Tedeton

Miracle II soap products are available from thousands of distributors worldwide. You may search/google “Miracle II Products” for a distributor online. If you need help locating a Miracle II distributor near you, or if you need information on becoming a Miracle II distributor, you may contact the office during regular office hours.

The Miracle II range is a great way to bring some natural freshness back to your hygiene, living or workspace throughout Winter and support your overall health. Embrace Winter Wellness!


* In partnership with our friends at Miracle II  Photo courtesy of Miracle II 

* The information available on ewellnessmag.com, including text, graphics, and other materials are for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in ewellnessmag.com is at the user's own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through ewellnessmag.com is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2019 Brawo Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


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