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Stay Cool and Calm

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Think of a stressful situation: a fear of heights, gridlock traffic, public speaking, a busy schedule, the options are endless. Most people turn to caffeine to help them get through these situations, however, that is often the worst thing you can do. Studies show you perform at your best when cool and calm, not over stimulated and jittery. When you allow yourself to relax and focus on the task at hand you’re entering a “flow state,” we call this The Power Of Calm. And, maybe is all you need?

Just Chill is an all-natural, no-GMO, caffeine free, calming beverage that reduces stress while enhancing focus. Our active ingredient, L-theanine, is an amino acid found in green tea.

The idea behind Just Chill was born in the hectic terminals of LAX airport. Founder and CEO, Max Baumann, was heading on an exciting and action packed surf trip to Australia, yet not everyone in the airport seemed to share his stoke. Max was soon overwhelmed by stressed out travelers chugging energy drinks and downing coffee like water. It was at that moment he asked himself if there was an all-natural drink designed to help keep you calm and focused?

The epiphany led to hours of research and soon, the idea for a "Chill" drink seemed within reach. The beverage would be the medium. The mission? Create a revolution around the Power of Calm.  “Our goal is to build a brand that not only delivers on a great functional benefit but also creates, educates and inspires people to live life in the moment and have the strength to stay cool in the heat of difficult situations.”- Max Baumann

Max teamed up with his college friends, Russell Fager, Caleb Davidge & Mitchell Raisch, to form the company that would start the “Chill movement.” Eight months later they popped open their first cans of Just Chill.

As soon as the cases arrived into storage we packed as much product as we could into our cars and hit the streets passing out samples, and selling into local accounts.

By mid-2011 we had saturated Santa Barbara, picked up a local distributor and saw sales spike. We realized at this time that we had a viable business paradigm that we could replicate in other markets, so in 2012 we decided to move our headquarters to Los Angeles. From 2013-2015 we doubled sales each year and grew our brand within key markets across the nation. So far in 2016 we are on track to double our sales again, and by 2017 we estimate that we will be a full national brand.”- said Russell Fager, Co-Founder & VP The Chill Group Inc.

Stress is part of our life. Any change is stressful because changes require us to make an adaptation. We confront biological and psychological stress, stress in an environment in our family or our social situations. We have a deadline, people we have to meet; we face crowded transportation system; we worry about money. We know all about stress… or do we?

At Just Chill, we’re all about keeping calm no matter what life throws at you. Whether you’re a mom of 5 or CEO of a fortune 500 (or both), the ability to manage your emotions in times of stress has a direct connection to health, wellness, and performance. We’ve all seen/experienced the negative effects stress can has on our immune system, mental clarity, and overall wellness. The beauty of it is that although you may not be able to control everything life throws at you, you can control how you react to it. It’s not about avoiding stressful situations, but coping with them by embracing the present with a cool head. Whether you’re relaxing with the family, or running into the boardroom, we always try to remember to take a deep breath and just chill.” -  Mitchell Raisch - Co-Founder Marketing

Just Chill drink is often used in office, after a long days work, before an interview, or anytime in which stress or anxiety is prevalent.

“It’s been quite the journey trying to disrupt one of the most competitive and saturated industries in today’s economy, but the functionality and mission statement of Just Chill is what truly separates us apart.  As anxiety and stress continue to reach record highs, lead to disease, and consume people’s lives - Just Chill remains to be the viable, natural, and healthy solution.  I’m excited for what’s to come as more people discover the benefits of L-Theanine and our brand.” - Caleb Davidge, Co-Founder, and Director of Sales

Just chill use the patented version of L-Theanine, called Suntheanine, for its scholarly backed research and guaranteed purity.

•    Suntheanine promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness reduces nervous tension, and helps prevent the negative side effects of caffeine.

•    Suntheanine is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) by the FDA, in use since 1994 with no indication of adverse reactions or contradictions.

Additional human clinical research suggests that Suntheanine may have application in improving the quality of sleep, diminishing normal symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), improving learning performance, heightening mental acuity, promoting concentration, reducing negative side effects of caffeine and supporting the immune system.                        

When you feel stressed, do something you enjoy and find relaxing.  At the end of a busy day, for example, you might take a moment to elicit the relaxation response or go for a walk before setting into the evening. Studies have shown that individuals who take the time to play, laugh, have a drink and relax are, in fact, more productive and content.

Brand Manager, Alicia Manzur, most often drinks Just Chill after work and before dinner. “I head to the fridge for a Just Chill Zero Ginger after a long day at the office, it’s become my replacement for a glass of red wine. Not only am I saving calories, but the added benefits really make it guilt free.”

Just Chill is packed with B Vitamins, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Zinc, and lemongrass. Our three traditional flavors: Tropical, Rio Berry, and Jamaican Citrus each have 70 calories and 17 grams of sugar. They use a blend of all-natural non-GMO crystalline fructose and stevia.

“Our new Zero line also contains a blend of erythritol and stevia, resulting in zero calories and zero sugar. Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, which occurs naturally in some plant foods, including mushrooms, cherries, carrots, asparagus, and sweet potatoes.”– added Alicia

Sugar alcohols provide sweetness to products and are low on glycemic index, so they are good for people fallowing low carb diet. According to American Diabetes Association - sugar alcohols provide fewer calories than sugar and have less of an effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) than other carbohydrates. They can be helpful if you’re trying to lose weight or even to prevent weight gain. Erythritol, for example, only has 0.2 calories per gram. Then you can enjoy your Just Drink without any stress about your weight.

*Photo courtesy of Just Chill Group

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