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Skin Health and Healing

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As we continue to improve our health on the inside, we cannot ignore our health on the outside, namely, the look, the feel, and the complexion of our skin. The skin is the largest organ in our body that deserves care and attention!



Of course, lots of healthy habits that you create will also have positive effects on your skin, but there are ways to ensure you support your skin even more via topical treatments, creams, and gels, natural ones of course!

Skin conditions can seriously harm how you look and feel about yourself, and as the skin becomes more sensitive, it can be at risk of inflammation, flare ups, and a lack of moisture, particularly through the winter season. There is no doubt that the appearance of poor skin or having a skin condition knocks your confidence. But there is a way through!

Nature has gifted us with a mighty arsenal of plant and herbal remedies, and we should take advantage of these!

One such natural gift is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is utilized in the world of health and healing for numerous reasons and it also has the added benefit of being versatile - it can be used both topically and internally. Aloe Vera has positive effects on your skin but it is also a natural remedy for improved digestive health and function.

Aloe Vera naturally contains a number of enzymes that help to break down fats and sugars for a far smoother digestive function. This in turn aids in better nutrient absorption from the food you eat. Many “green” smoothies contain aloe vera gel, or it can be added in small quantities (normally 1-2 tablespoons) and blended in for a healthy juice.



So why choose Aloe Vera specifically? 

Aloe is a powerhouse for health, healing, and cosmetic arts. From as far back as 6,000 years ago, ancient Egyptians used it for cooling burns, and healing abrasions and wounds.

For skincare, legend suggests that Cleopatra applied it to her skin to enhance her beauty. Doctors attending to the Roman legions carried the plant with them to treat the skin conditions of the soldiers. In modern times, aloe vera is used alone and in thousands of makeup and skincare products.

This natural phenomenon has stood the test of time. Aloe has been used to alleviate some form or degree of stress over the ages, and in these days of uncertainty and change, it can be just what is needed to improve the health of your skin and hair. Aloe’s potent properties can also help you feel younger.

Before you head to your local gardening store for a living aloe plant, there’s something to know about using fresh aloe that can undermine all your good intentions for using it. A compound right under the inner skin of the aloe leaf called aloin can cause irritation.

The gel inside the leaf must be carefully scooped out, avoiding the yellow sap that contains the aloin. You’re right if you think this is a messy job, but only the aloe ‘filet’, the pulp from inside the leaf, should be used. Most of us are familiar with drugstore-type gels that we assume are good to cool sunburn. But did you know that most of them contain very little, if any, aloe?

Their consistency is due to a huge percentage of synthetic thickeners, not the aloe itself. They also may contain other harsh chemicals and fragrances, none of which are intended for healing and softening skin and hair.

So, what to do? A handier and more beneficial solution than thick commercial brands or scooping it yourself from the leaf is to use a high-quality aloe vera gel.


NaturSense by NTRSNS® Aloe Vera Gel

NaturSense Aloe Vera Gel was created by husband and wife duo Bill and Maida in 2015. Their decades-long passion for organic, sustainable, and health-enhancing products became a mission in their business life.

This Aloe Vera Gel is a signature product of theirs, and for good reason. It’s 99.75% cold-pressed, pure organic aloe with just one-quarter of one percent eco-friendly ingredients to give it a bit of texture and protect its 2-year shelf life without refrigeration.

It is free of unnecessary and potentially harmful agents and its consistency is quite fluid; thinner yet silky. It may take a bit of getting used to, but the product is easy to apply! It is fragrance-free and free of harsh chemical thickeners.



These are just some uses for NaturSense Aloe Vera Gel:

  • Soothe burns and sunburn

  • Reduce itching from psoriasis, eczema, and other irritations

  • Prolong hydration

  • Fight acne

  • Anti-aging

  • Diminish dark circles around the eyes

  • Reduce scarring

  • Soothe flaky scalp

  • Nourish hair

  • Natural hair gel

Like fresh aloe from the plant, NaturSense Aloe Vera Gel naturally contains Vitamins A, C, and E along with Amino Acids, Enzymes, and Minerals that are so nourishing for skin conditions and healthy hair. This aloe vera gel is cold-pressed and charcoal filtered; it is the purest aloe available on the market today and is packaged in an Eco-friendly & BPA-free bottle!

“Aloe Vera is harvested fresh from the field just for us! Experience the highest potency of essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes with Aloe Vera as Nature’s own first aid. It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal and its fluid consistency means more aloe for you!”- NaturSense





Here are some great, first-hand customer reviews on Natur-sense Aloe Vera Gel! 

“I am so pleased with this product. My husband had severe radiation burns on his neck and we tried all the products recommended by the oncologist. Nothing helped with the pain and extreme redness until we tried this natural aloe vera gel. He found relief quickly and could see that the skin was beginning to heal within days. He has been using it for several weeks now and is definitely much better. We will make sure to keep this available in our home.”


“Bought this for my boyfriend who has been battling with acne and acne scars for a while!! I tried buying him every acne product at Sephora and nothing worked for him. Finally, he asked for Aloe Vera and I ordered him this one. He loves it! Has noticed the difference and so have I! I’ll be ordering one for me!” 


“I honestly think this is the best Aloe I’ve ever purchased. It’s definitely authentic. I’ve had an on-going breast rash the last few months and this relieves the itch and irritation so fast. I’m very grateful.


“NaturSense Aloe Vera Gel is the only thing that helps my son’s eczema. We tried all of the natural recommendations as we are not willing to try anything else. It actually makes a difference and quickly heals any flare-ups that occur. We are on our 2nd bottle because the whole family uses it.”



NaturSense Aloe Vera Gel is made in the USA in an FDA certified top-rated lab. You can purchase with confidence! Amazon will honor their 100% satisfaction guarantee, and NaturSense is on standby to answer your questions! 


 “The foods we eat and the body care products we apply to our skin are so important to our quality of life and longevity,” says Maida. “It’s essential to us that our NaturSense Aloe Vera Gel contributes to our customers’ well-being and makes a minimal impact against the environment. That’s why we source our certified organic aloe from small, family-owned farms and all ingredients are both naturally-derived and eco-friendly.”- Maida | NaturSense


* In partnership with our friends at NatureSense  Photo courtesy of  NatureSense 
* The information available on ewellnessmag.com, including text, graphics, and other materials are for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in ewellnessmag.com is at the user's own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through ewellnessmag.com is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2020

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    loscott said: Wed, 09 Dec 2020 19:16:21 +0100
    I have tried many different Aloe Vera gels on the market. My kids have psoriasis and eczema and aloe vera gel really helps their troubled and itchy skin. This product is one of the best on the market. The store bough aloe vera gel that is clear...turns out it barely has any aloe vera in it at all. This product is one of the best on the market due to the use of ACTUAL aloe vera gel. It provides great relief to our children's troubled skin and soothes their itching fits. Highly recommend this brand's Aloe Vera Gel!
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