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The power of magnesium

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Magnesium is a mineral that's crucial to the body's function helping keep blood pressure normal, bones and teeth strong, and the heart rhythm steady.Responsible for some 300 biochemical reactions in your system, magnesium is also the fourth most abundant mineral in your body. Magnesium serves an inordinate number of functions; however, this mineral may also play a role in addressing medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. “Virtually every known disease is associated with magnesium deficiency, including asthma, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, migraine, allergies, myocardial (h), and depression," - saidNorman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. - Author of Holy Water Sacred Oil in his scientific study entitled Transdermal Absorption of Magnesium published in the Southern Medical Journal.

According to the NIH, adult men need 400 to 420mg. of magnesium each day, while adult women need between 310 to 320mg. Pregnant women require more magnesium, between 350 and 400mg, while women who are nursing need between 310 to 360mg. Although a balanced diet usually supplies all the magnesium a person needs additional magnesium supplements may be needed by patients who have lost magnesium due to illness or treatment with certain medicines.

Magnesium is also used as a dietary supplement for individuals who are deficient in magnesium. A deficiency in magnesium can be temporary and appear due to simple problems, such as vomiting and diarrhea caused by stomach viruses. However, medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes and kidney disease can also disrupt your body's balance of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency can range from mild to severe and is characterized by symptoms such as confusion, tiredness, difficulty sleeping, irritability, muscle spasms, rapid heart rate, delirium, numbness and tingling and hallucinations, according to the NIH.

“Once magnesium falls down below a certain level, just about everything starts to go. The cell is not able to have a fully integrated membrane system. It just starts to get weaker and weaker. It doesn't have the energy to do all the things it needs to do."- said Dr. Andrea Rosanoff, M.D., Ph.D. - Co-author of 'The Magnesium Factor'

Doctors will measure blood levels of magnesium whenever a magnesium deficiency is suspected. When levels are mildly depleted, increasing dietary intake of magnesium can help restore blood levels to normal. Eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, and choosing dark-green leafy vegetables often, as recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the Food Guide Pyramid, and the Five-a-Day program, will help adults at-risk of having a magnesium deficiency consume recommended amounts of magnesium.

Good dietary sources of magnesium include:

  • nuts (especially almonds)
  • fish
  • whole grains
  • wheat germ
  • green leafy vegetables

As with most nutrients, daily needs for magnesium cannot be met from food, alone which is why magnesium dietary supplements are recommended as well.

There are very few magnesium supplements on the market that effectively supply magnesium without harmful side effects, but you have to control your supplementation regime. If you are taking a dietary supplement without a prescription, carefully read and follow any precautions on the label. Diarrhea and low blood pressure are some of its common side effects. An overdose of magnesium can also produce drowsiness and blurred vision in some individuals. Like other medicines, an excessive use of magnesium supplements can also cause a number of side effects. Therefore, it is quite essential to discuss with a health care professional about the benefits, side effects and the precaution to be taken, before using any kind of supplement.

Everyone burns magnesium for fueling the brain, muscles, nervous system, and organs and is essential for more than 300 enzymatic processes. When magnesium pills are taken orally, they have to go through the digestive process and then try to find the place in the body where it is needed. Although orally ingested magnesium is better than nothing, it is far from optimal. The other way than oral supplementation is Magnesium Infusion - the first and only magnesium supplement on the market that delivers the purest, molecular grade magnesium, gently absorbed through the skin. You spray pure magnesium directly on the skin; you can choose the location of need. This allows a direct magnesium supplementation absorbed by the capillaries to deliver the magnesium immediately, to a knee for example. This also avoids taxing the kidneys or causing loose stools by ingesting magnesium orally. In fact, people who have any kidney issues must entirely avoid oral magnesium supplementation. This is not the case when using Magnesium that absorbs through the skin. Every bone, joint, muscle and organs (especially the brain and heart) require abundant amounts of magnesium to operate efficiently. The ultimate solution is to add magnesium into your body on a daily basis through your skin. This is easily done after a bath or shower. You can also spray it during the day as needed in the front of the upper chest. It has no odor and does not stain clothing. Magnesium Infusion also helps the skin remain soft and healthy while elevating ‘Good Moods’ and relaxing your muscles within seconds, wherever you apply it topically. For more information about Magnesium Infusion supplement absorbed by skin go www.activationproducts.com

The health benefits of magnesium are:

  • may reverse osteoporosis
  • prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • regulates high blood pressure (Hypertension)
  • treats diabetes
  • treats migraines, insomnia, and depression

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